Project Elysian (Work in Progress)
As a spirit guide you ferry souls to the afterlife. These
souls are stuck in limbo due to unresolved mental issues and you are able to enter
their minds and fight off their struggles which manifest as different monsters.
Doing this helps clear their thoughts of the burdens that are preventing them from
moving on.
The game takes place in a fantastical realm in-between our world and the spirit
world that your character, due to her special abilities is able to enter. This realm
very much echos the landscape of the real world, things are just a little looser. The
realm can warp geography in strange ways and manifest demons at any moment.
The more time the player spends in the realm and the more spirts they help move
on, the stronger they get.
The ultimate goal of the game ferry all the souls stuck in the part of the realm that
your character has entered to the afterlife.
Planned Features
- Unreal Engines Gameplay Ability System
- RPG style combat system
- Light Platforming and Exploration
- Dialogue options
- Player Attributes
- Enemy and Item Section
- Experience and Level-Up System
- Enemy AI
- Offensive Spells and Passive Spells
- Saving Progress and Level Transitions systems
- Full Attribute and Spell Menus, with upgrade abilities, spell trees, locked spell
levels, spell upgrades by ability level, and more
Latest Dev Vlog
Sim Solver
You play as a debugging software deployed into various simulations. With the help of a lively digital companion, you are tasked with the goal to hunt down and destroy all the viruses destabilizing the simulation.
Key Project Features
- Full series of Development Vlogs documenting the making of the game.
- Fleshed out interaction system that allows you to pick up, break, and move any object in the game.
- A wide array of levels containing puzzles, platforming, and shooting galleries that the player can overcome in a variety of ways.
- First person shooting mechanics.
- Enviromental/Hostile obstacles
- Various environments that are both distinct in scale and design
- Full Voice acting and comedic story written by me.
- Complete and Dynamic UI, level selection, pause and menu features.
- Steam Release
- Much much more!
Sim Solver Trailer
Latest Dev Vlog
A Mind Game
Your trapped in your own dreams and the only way out is to Run, Jump, and Shoot your way through 3 distinct levels!
The only guidance you get is from a strange floating head claiming to be your consciousness and a path of coins that seemly lead you to an exit. Will you be able to escape or are forever stuck in your own mind?
Key Project Features
- Shooting mechanics, enemy AI, heath system, and coin collecting progression.
- Three levels with a distinct environment theme and explorable areas.
- Unique level design direction for each of the three stages.
- Platforming and combat encounter throughout each level.
- A dialogue system with an NPC.
- Custom made UI and menus.
- Music for each level that fits the environments.
- Respawn and level transition mechanics.
- Custom materials for each level
In this short 2D platformer, experience 3 unique levels that have you running for your life through a Cyberpunk City that's under attack!
All you have is your robot companion who will guide you through this dangerous city while helping you discover what exactly is happening!
Key Project Features
- A variety of painted tile maps and sprite actors for both the background and platforms the player collides with.
- A playable 2D sprite character that has been animated using flipbooks.
- Platforming challenges that progress as each level goes on.
- A dialogue system and NPC that tells the story of this Cyberpunk city.
- Level specific music.
- Custom Menus.
- Checkpoint, Respawn, and Level transitions mechanics for each level.
Cyber Myth- Fallen Kingdom
Explore a Fallen Kingdom which was built upon the ruins of a cyberpunk dystopia that caused its own downfall. Now the kingdom is being surveyed by mysterious devices in which this land has never seen. Look for the 6 Audio logs left behind by the AI to gain insight into its finding, explore the environment, and see all its secrets!
This was my very first game/project that I did with the objective of learning the basic tools of Unreal Engine 5.
Key Project Features
- An open world for the player to explore and collect 6 audio logs which give more background for the setting.
- 5 key locations to find that have been built using a variety of modular assets.
- Complex landscapes to engage the players sense of discovery.
- Custom made materials and textures to give a uniqueness to the world.
- Themed background music to add to the exploration.
- Custom Menus.